Monday, March 24, 2014


Ciao! We took a coach bus to Siena yesterday and explored the city. There was a chocolate festival happening and many of you may be getting some fancy chocolates as gifts now! Amanda and Jared scaled the tiny steps of the tower in a mere 25 minutes and you see some of their great shots below! (These are the two overview shots of Siena)

We stayed the night at the beautiful Hotel Lino in Volterra after touring the city and learning about the history and people with a great tour guide. Our day ended after eating a 10 course meal at tuscan farm. Everything thing was farm to table. This was a true highlight for many on the trip!!!

This morning we enjoyed breakfast and walking the city walls of Volterra. We jumped on a bus and checked out the sights at another tuscan town, San Giamingino. We had the worlds best gelato according to Mike Huff. All would agree. Now we are in Florence and we walked around the city at sunset. We traveled to Ms. Bertarellis former apartment- 2 Via Squazza! It was a very special moment to show the students my old Art school and home.

Now we are off to bed. Exhausted and full of pasta and gelato!

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